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Jade Monori, Marketing and Communications Manager
01772 429989

September 4, 2019 / 6 min read

What to expect at the OSCEs

More than 1,000 candidates participate in 10 different stations to complete the timed practical exam – the OSCE, which will result in a pass or fail mark. Here, the team…

August 19, 2019 / 3 min read

Join the Army as a Dental Nurse

This month’s Crowning Careers spotlight is on Lance corporal La-Toya Vernon who talks about the job opportunities available in the Army. My career as a Dental Nurse started in December…

July 18, 2019 / 2 min read

Volunteering opportunities with Dentaid

Dentaid is a dental charity that works tirelessly to improve access to safe, sustainable dental care in the UK and overseas. Dental nurses play a vital role in all of…

July 3, 2019 / 1 min read

GDC release joint statement on benefits of being a reflective practitioner

The General Dental Council (GDC) along with eight other healthcare regulators, have published a joint statement on the importance and benefits of being a reflective practitioner. Click here to read.…

June 18, 2019 / 1 min read

Join the Royal Navy as a Dental Nurse

NEBDN are supporting trainee and qualified dental nurses, by hosting monthly recruitment articles written by dental professionals from different sectors. Janice talks to us about life in the Royal Navy…